Monday, 24 October 2011

CHAPTER 3 - Another day Another kibao



If you know me well you would know where my all so famous party people phrase begun so this how ish went down.
a few days/(not so sure )ago, i was with my boy call him "rasta"(subject to change ) and we were bored as death so we decided to do the usual local. so he called me up we arranged to meet at the usual place of business. we were three of us excluding machete, but when we reached our "kamkunji grounds"; some how the number had multiplied itself and we were now surrounded by three other randomities who had the shadiest of manerisims i have come across to give you a clearer picture let me go back to the beginning.

Earlier on that day i was at "job" being sumbuliwad; i was waiting despairingly for the clock to hit 5 - machete time........ so i decided to start gathering up my fellow soldiers for the "orgy fest". But this time round there was a new edition i call her "swahili maringo". she!; i met at work she!; was coming from a sad place. as i got to find out during our bonding session. she! found Nairobi life a tad too fast for her comprehension so i did not judge.After all Coast is slow. I also got to find out she could decimate.........get this; a HALF-LITTER VICEROY bottle neat! in three! sips. Now if that is not a  skill from the coast i don know what it be. Got me thinkin about what else she could swallow in #30 seconds ;-). Additionally she likes the "holly herb" which if i must say just completed the whole package of a 100%swahili drunk which is sexy???  right........not to be offensive but those swahili pp-pl do know how to get a party started..........or not???........ i don know; but one thing was for sure "swahili maringo " was definitively on the machete party people list...........SPECIAL INVITATION

So time sliced by and before i knew it i was two kibao sachets down, swahili maringo yes you guessed it, was on her 5th HALF-LITTER VICEROY botti.... i; was; amazed!.... Now i should mention this was where the night became interesting, as my much acclaimed "chips okota" joined the machete party people drunk wagon with "swahili maringo" at the helm leading the drunk parade. @ this time "rasta" was still attending to his "beauty bath" oooh he loves those so we decided to further indulge ourselves in the festivities. As usual "chips okota" arrived already higher than a kite no shock there, but the intetresting thing was that this time she was more composed than usual; which was very uncharacteristic of her. For she is  usualy bouncing off the walls. So we indulged some more..........then some more!!

-----------------------------------1 hour later-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Rasta"  finaly finished his beautification program..............and we were at  "kamkunji grounds" and this is where we pick up our story from party people............. So there we were.....Machete, C.Okota,S.Maringo, and Rasta ...doing it like it like it was 1965.....then in the midst of all the hype we came across three very intresting characters who i took the pleasure of giving names ;-) the first i called:

1. "Forcings" this man has guts or should i say his jus annoying. machete calls a machete a machete( (spade a spade) hatoshi machete power) so anyways; this brother was realy forcing himself on the ladies even my chips okota said enough is enough.......which is a rare occurence. lol but he still troded on until Swahili maringo happend. it was a wrap quicker than you could pronounce kibao!!!.

2 "ConfusedRasta" now this cat was similar to "Rasta "only that he wasnt. brother was rockin a reggae color belt coupled with skinny jeans and  some simba boots, talk about confused. And to add insult to injury  on top he was rockin those unfinished shirts; yea , u know the ones that every obb on nai rocks this days the ones that have unfinshed designs on the shoulders with nasty color full pinstripe patterns i tell you this brother looked like the chief clown of thi circus.

3. "SilentKiller" this name i chose because this guy was awefully silent; i tell you people were busy killing it having a blast this sad man was sitted the whole time i don think he stood up at any time from the time he enterd the club, he looked retarted to some point but i couldnt blame him as compared to his other two companions.

Now these three charcters took it upon themselves to come crash our fest!! don get me wrong i don hate company, in fact im quite open about new company but when u meet new people who don even try and bring something to the table......welll........... but ill honest admit,  they actally turned out to be a real swell crowd i couldnt complain.......or not!

The night was fueled by none other than the almighty KIBAO i tell you if there was a drink i was to marry it would be this drink right here. Now i know some off my readers may not share the same sentiments. and thats why they havent done it big until you come do it with machete and his kibao Delight. now as a parting shot from the machete aka last man standing; machete will reach dip into hismachete corktail vault and give you a mix garunteed to make u feel MACHETERISH

NOTE: this is a trademark signature drink and there fore should be tried at owners risk.

all you need are the following:
-FIVE 30ml sachet of kibao vodka like the one locted at the begining of this post.
-fresh apple, and ,passion juice. yea like the delmonte type
-crushed ice. prefarably snow ice.
-One loose girl......i would gladly offer you my chips okota but shes off limits (only machetes allowed)
-one whisky  glass.

now you could mix them all up or proceduraly have the loose girl feed them to you or you could jus do body shots. whichever sounds enticing.


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